- Tianhao Zhong starts visit from Nanjing Univ. October
- Mathew Paskin starts PhD Sept 2023
- HL joins group
- urbisphere-Paris campaign begins
- Matthew returns to group as Technican
- urbisphere-Berlin campaign ends
- Megan McGrory joins group January 2022
- urbisphere-Berlin campaign begins
- ERC urbisphere project begins
- Mat Lispon returns to UNSW
- Hamid Omidvar (Princeton) joins group
- Junxia Dou (IUM) comes to visit
- Christoph Kent: Successful PhD Viva April 2018
- Marine Jeoffrion joins group for 6 months (MSc) from Meteo France Feb 2018
- Matthias Demuzere (Ghent Univ.) Collaboration within APHH China – NERC Airpro Feb 2018
- MN returns to Japan August 2017
- JN (t) joins group August 2017
- Denise Hertwig joins group August 2017
- Beth Saunders joins group August 2017
- Ting Sun NERC Fellowship July 2017
- Kohin Hirano returns to Japan July 2017
- JP visit from SIMS-Shanghai-CMA February -April 2017
- Wen GU visit from SIMS-Shanghai-CMA February -April 2017
- Yuya Takane arrives from National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)- Japan February 2017
- X Ao Arrives from SIMS-Shanghai-CMA January 2017- July 2017
- Natalie Theeuwes arrives in Reading December 2016
- Junxia DOU visit from IUM, China June – December 2016
- MN (Tokyo University of Science) starts visit from Japan September 2016
- Bei Huang arrives from Tsinghua University, China September 2016
- Kohin Hirano visits from NIED, Japan August 2016
- TY visit from NUS/CESBIO June 2016
- Alex Bjorkegren Successfully defended PhD (no revisions!) June 2016
- Alex Bjorkegren Start jobs Dept of Health Feb 2016
- Izzy Capel-Timms Starts PhD January 2016
- Ting Sun re-joins group January 2016
- Will Morrison ACEEES Student Presentation Award Hawaii December 2015
- Martin Best Successfully defended PhD November 2015
- Christoph Kent WES Student Presenation Award October 2015
- Will Morrison Starts PhD October 2015
- Elliott Warren Starts PhD October 2015
- Ben Crawford Joins group September 2015
- Alex Bjorkegren ICUC9 Student Presentation Award Toulouse July 2015
- Christoph Kent Starts PhD February 2015
- SLUM Spectral Library of Urban Materials released March 2014
- SUEWS v2014a.1 released feb 2014
- Group moves to University of Reading
- Simone Kotthaus successfully defended her PhD (Decemeber 2013)
- Helen Ward successfully defended her PhD Jul 2013
- Helen Ward starts Post Doc CEH Wallingford April 2013
- LCCP report released July 17 2013
- Simone Kotthaus wins best Student presentation award IAUC Dublin 2012
- Thomas Loridan successfully defended his PhD Nov 8 2011
- Thomas Loridanstarts job at Risk Management Solutions (RMS) November 2011
- Simone Kotthaus wins Best Student Poster at AMS 9th Urban Symposium Keystone Colorado
- 21 Dec 2010: Baltimore CO2 paper: Crawford B, CSB Grimmond and A Christen (2011) Five years of carbon dioxide fluxes measurements in a highly vegetated suburban area Atmospheric Environment, 45, 896-905 doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.11.017
- 4 Aug 2010 : Pilps-urban: International Urban Energy Balance comparison paper 1 Grimmond CSB, M Blackett, M Best, J Barlow, JJ Baik, S Belcher, SI Bohnenstengel, I Calmet, F Chen, A Dandou, K Fortuniak, ML Gouvea, R Hamdi, M Hendry, T Kawai, Y Kawamoto, H Kondo, ES Krayenhoff, SH Lee, T Loridan, A Martilli, V Masson, S Miao, K Oleson, G Pigeon, A Porson, YH Ryu, F Salamanca, GJ Steeneveld, M Tombrou, J Voogt, D Young, N Zhang (2010) The International Urban Energy Balance Models Comparison Project: First results from Phase 1 Journal of Applied Meteorology & Climatology, 49, 1268-92, doi: 10.1175/2010JAMC2354.1 pdf
- 4 Aug 2010: Trade-offs in urban canopy parameterizations paper published: Loridan T, CSB Grimmond, S Grossman-Clarke, F Chen, M Tewari, K Manning, A Martilli, H Kusaka,M Best (2010) Trade-offs & responsiveness of the single-layer urban canopy parameterization in WRF: an offline evaluation using the MOSCEM optimization algorithm & field observations. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 136: 997-1019. DOI:10.1002/qj.614 pdf
- WRF/Urban Modelling system paper published Chen F, H Kusaka, R Bornstein, J Ching, CSB Grimmond, S Grossman-Clarke, T Loridan, KW Manning, A Martilli, S Miao, D Sailor, FP Salamanca, H Taha, M Tewari, X Wang, AA Wyszogrodzki, C Zhang (2010) The integrated WRF/urban modeling system: development, evaluation, & applications to urban environmental problems, International Journal of Climatology DOI: 10.1002/joc.2158 pdf
- AMS 9th Symp. Urban Environment, August 2–6, 2010 Keystone, Colorado
- Grossman-Clarke S, JA Zehnder, T Loridan, S Grimmond Contribution of Land use changes to near surface air temperatures during recent summer extreme heat events in the Phoenix metropolitan area , USA (poster)
- Erell E, I Eliasson, S Grimmond, B Offerle, T Williamson Incorporating spatial & temporal variations of advected moisture in the Canyon Air Temperature (CAT) model
- Hendry MA, MJ Best, M Gouvea, CSB Grimmond, A Porson: International Urban Energy Balance Comparison Project: JULES-URBAN models, any winners?
- Gouvea ML, CSB Grimmond Spatially integrated measurements of sensible heat flux using scintillometry
- Gouvea ML, CSB Grimmond, MJ Best Evaluation of the surface parameterization JULES across a range of urban environments with varying vegetation plan area fractions.
- Järvi L, S Grimmond, T Loridan T Oke, A Christen, B Crawford, Urban water balance In Vancouver: assessing the impact of changing land cover.
- Loridan T, CSB Grimmond, BD Offerle, DT Young, TEL Smith & L Järvi, Recent developments & evaluation of the LUMPS-NARP urban land surface scheme
- Loridan T, CSB Grimmond, S Grossman-Clarke, F Chen, M Tewari, K Manning, A Martilli, H Kusaka, M Best, The single-layer urban canopy model in WRF V3.2: recent amendments & offline evaluation using the MOSCEM optimization algorithm with field observations.
- Järvi L, CSB Grimmond Single-source urban evaporation-interception scheme (SUES-2): recent developments
- Kotthaus S, S Grimmond Surface Energy Balance Observations & Carbon Dioxide Exchange in the Centre of an European City
- AMS 19th Symp. on Boundary Layers & Turbulence, Aug 2–6, 2010 Keystone
- Ward HC, JG Evans, HAR De Bruin, CSB Grimmond Scintillometry with non-uniform crosswind fields
- Dragoni D, HP Schmid, CA Wayson, CSB Grimmond, JC Randolph, H Potter Evidence of increased net ecosystem productivity associated with a longer vegetated season in a deciduous forest in south-central Indiana, USA (IU group)
- Froelich NJ, CSB Grimmond, HP Schmid Using sky view factor to model radiation & thermal structure within & above a forest canopy in sloping terrain. (IU group)
- AMS 29th Conf. Agricultural & Forest Meteorology, August 2–6, 2010 Keystone, Colorado, USA
- Froelich NJ, CSB Grimmond, HP Schmid Modeling Nocturnal Cooling Below a Forest Canopy (IU group)
- Allan, L (2009) Modelling anthropogenic heat flux in urban areas, MSc Thesis, MSc Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Management, King’s College London.
- Charles A (2009) CO2 fluxes in central London: the roles of sources and sinks, MSc Thesis, MSc Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Management, King’s College London.
- Ma, A (2009) An investigation into the potential carbon savings from the implementation of aquifer thermal energy storage within the King’s College London Strand campus site. MSc Thesis, MSc Sustainable Cities, King’s College London.
- Oladimeji M (2008) Air quality modelling in a multiparty industrial complex using CALPUFF and ISC, MSc Thesis, MSc Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Management, King’s College London.
- Neupane M (2008) Urban Water Demand Under Future Climate Conditions in Oakridge, Vancouver, Canada. A Modelling Approach, MSc Thesis, MSc Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Management, King’s College London.
- Thomas M (2008) Visualisation and Analysis of Spatial Variability of Atmospheric Temperature in London, MSc Thesis, MSc Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Management, King’s College London, 128 pp.
- Fitzmaurice, W (2007) Knowledge exchange at the Science-Practice interface: a case study of a local climate impacts profile for an outer London Borough, MSc Thesis, MSc Sustainable Cities, King’s College London.
- Sala A (2007) Large aperture scintillometry applied in urban areas Case study: London (UK), MSc Thesis, MSc Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Management, King’s College London, 41pp.
- Young D, A Sala, S Grimmond (2007) poster. ASAP, RHUL, July 31.
- Young D (2007) Mixing Layer Height Determination over Urban Roughness: A Comparative Study, MSc Thesis, MSc Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Management, King’s College London, 134pp.
- Faridian J (2006) The impact of high-reflectance roofing materials on ambient air temperatures at various neighbourhood scales in Philadelphia, USA, MSc Thesis, MSc Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Management, King’s College London.
- Prieto-Lopez T (2006) An implementation of the Local-scale urban meteorological parameterizations scheme (LUMPS) at a suburban site, MSc Thesis, MSc Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Management, King’s College London.
- SG joins King’s College London