Report for the year 2012
Site information
'name' 'lon_WGS84' 'lat_WGS84' 'start' 'end' 'KSK' '-0.1161' '51.51146' '2006233' '2100001' 'KSK15S' '-0.11687' '51.51177' '2006233' '2100001' 'KSS' '-0.11635' '51.512' '2009274' '2012086' 'KSS45W' '-0.11608' '51.51133' '2009274' '2100001' 'KSN' '-0.1158' '51.5116' '2010101' '2100001' 'KSM' '-0.1154' '51.5112' 'NA' '2100001' 'BTT' '-0.1392' '51.52187' 'NA' '2100001' 'RGS' '-0.17492' '51.501517' '2009085' '2100001' 'TLI' '-0.11768' '51.50975' '2010094' '2100001' 'GL' 'NA' 'NA' 'NA' 'NA' 'NK' '-0.2134' '51.521055' '2011033' '2100001' 'EMB' '-0.1217' '51.5081' '2010173' '2100001' 'TEM' '-0.113' '51.5112' '2010173' '2100001' 'HAN' '-0.1438' '51.5139' '2011011' '2100001' 'MR' '-0.154566' '51.522528' '2011068' '2100001' 'NDT' '-0.1796' '51.4814' '2011144' '2100001' 'MT' '-0.1113' '51.5116' '2011163' '2100001' 'KSNW' '-0.115947' '51.512195' '2011284' '2100001' 'NGT' '-0.115947' '51.512195' '2011284' '2100001' 'KSSW' '-0.116722' '51.511794' '2012090' '2100001' 'NTT' '-0.115947' '51.512195' '2011284' '2100001' 'KSE' 'NA' 'NA' '2012148' '2012277' 'WMT' 'NA' 'NA' '2012150' '2012277' 'KSC' 'NA' 'NA' 'NA' '2100001' 'SJP' '-0.12948' '51.5042' '1981001' '2100001' 'UCL' '-0.131' '51.524' '2009001' '2011001' 'KSB' '-0.115947' '51.512195' '2013063' '2100001' 'LCY_EGLC' '0.07579' '51.5208' '2012001' '2100001' 'IML' '0.62231' '51.3134' '2013213' '2100001' 'IMU' '0.062045' '51.313482' '2013207' '2100001'
Annual plots
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Annual stats
stats for site KSK and level L1 Columns 1 through 5 'sensor' 'variable' 'units' 'mean' 'std' 'WXT' 'WS' 'm.s-1' '3.2589' '1.3152' 'WXT' 'Tair' 'Celsius or K' '11.7173' '5.3668' 'WXT' 'RH' '%' '68.4239' '13.199' 'WXT' 'press' 'hPa' '1009.1787' '11.2134' 'WXT' 'rain_dur' 's' '44.0146' '225.2524' 'WXT' 'RR' 'mm.h-1' '0.0012708' '0.0086169' 'CNR4' 'Kdn' 'W.m-2' '225.6834' '213.8669' 'CNR4' 'Kup' 'W.m-2' '29.6129' '26.6465' 'CNR4' 'Ldn' 'W.m-2' '328.8569' '40.8905' Columns 6 through 8 'min' 'max' 'median' '0.32028' '14.8049' '3.1311' '-3.7119' '29.3528' '11.3759' '18.1056' '92.5011' '70.7151' '969.9756' '1036.8937' '1009.3888' '0' '2050' '0' '0' '0.1676' '0' '0' '1048.378' '152.1031' '0.00030535' '192.95' '21.7322' '212.6141' '433.2512' '336.6081' stats for site KSS and level L1 Columns 1 through 5 'sensor' 'variable' 'units' 'mean' 'std' 'WXT' 'WS' 'm.s-1' '3.372' '1.468' 'WXT' 'Tair' 'Celsius or K' '5.5654' '3.8832' 'WXT' 'RH' '%' '72.4894' '11.2424' 'WXT' 'press' 'hPa' '1019.1346' '8.603' 'WXT' 'rain_dur' 's' '19.2479' '156.9903' 'WXT' 'RR' 'mm.h-1' '0.0008059' '0.010394' Columns 6 through 8 'min' 'max' 'median' '0.49805' '14.0231' '3.1872' '-5.7511' '19.2423' '5.9329' '34.512' '96.8442' '73.8487' '988.5106' '1035.8572' '1020.0104' '0' '2040' '0' '0' '0.34529' '0' stats for site KSS45W and level L1 Columns 1 through 5 'sensor' 'variable' 'units' 'mean' 'std' 'SKYE' 'UVA_umol' 'umol.m-2.s-1' '32.0567' '57.2663' 'SKYE' 'UVB_umol' 'umol.m-2.s-1' '0.46517' '0.71922' 'SKYE' 'PAR_umol' 'umol.m-2.s-1' '161.2458' '288.0507' 'SKYE' 'UVA_W' 'W.m-2' '2.2567' '3.5063' 'SKYE' 'UVB_W' 'W.m-2' '0.1862' '0.28956' 'SKYE' 'PAR_W' 'W.m-2' '32.0567' '57.2663' Columns 6 through 8 'min' 'max' 'median' '0.6153' '343.7675' '1.3455' '0.0027272' '4.4408' '0.11334' '3.095' '1729.157' '6.7681' '5.5049e-07' '18.4361' '0.25204' '1.5305e-05' '1.7941' '0.044526' '0.6153' '343.7675' '1.3455' stats for site KSSW and level L1 Columns 1 through 5 'sensor' 'variable' 'units' 'mean' 'std' 'WXT' 'WS' 'm.s-1' '4.1556' '1.6472' 'WXT' 'Tair' 'Celsius or K' '13.4165' '5.0593' 'WXT' 'RH' '%' '71.0675' '13.5894' 'WXT' 'press' 'hPa' '1005.0843' '9.032' 'WXT' 'rain_dur' 's' '90.353' '448.5547' 'WXT' 'RR' 'mm.h-1' '0.055054' '0.27375' 'CNR4' 'Kdn' 'W.m-2' '224.2786' '214.7135' 'CNR4' 'Kup' 'W.m-2' '16.2535' '23.0232' 'CNR4' 'Ldn' 'W.m-2' '335.9277' '37.9662' 'SKYE' 'UVA_umol' 'umol.m-2.s-1' '43.742' '69.0255' 'SKYE' 'UVB_umol' 'umol.m-2.s-1' '0.59221' '1.0047' 'SKYE' 'PAR_umol' 'umol.m-2.s-1' '220.016' '347.2028' 'SKYE' 'UVA_W' 'W.m-2' '1.006' '1.023' 'SKYE' 'UVB_W' 'W.m-2' '0.23928' '0.40588' 'SKYE' 'PAR_W' 'W.m-2' '43.742' '69.0255' Columns 6 through 8 'min' 'max' 'median' '0.45944' '11.315' '3.9486' '-2.1506' '28.8703' '13.5627' '21.5711' '94.5435' '73.5349' '968.7104' '1031.0995' '1005.6553' '0' '34210' '0' '0' '4.5769' '0' '0' '1053.6857' '151.8425' '0.00030019' '140.9852' '3.8552' '226.0648' '429.1058' '342.0423' '0.002' '373.4' '4.2321' '0.004' '5.5977' '0.048733' '0.0044667' '1878.2667' '21.286' '0' '4.7861' '0.644' '0.0015333' '2.2613' '0.019733' '0.002' '373.4' '4.2321' stats for site NDT and level L1 Columns 1 through 5 'sensor' 'variable' 'units' 'mean' 'std' 'DAVIS' 'WS' 'm.s-1' '3.6844' '2.1' 'DAVIS' 'Tair' 'Celsius or K' '11.041' '5.4139' 'DAVIS' 'Kdn' 'W.m-2' '157.0777' '184.7222' 'DAVIS' 'RH' '%' '78.0037' '12.8707' 'DAVIS' 'press' 'hPa' '1016.7241' '11.4489' 'DAVIS' 'rain_rate' ' ' '0.039613' '0.32092' Columns 6 through 8 'min' 'max' 'median' '0.048' '15.8055' '3.4117' '-3.9286' '29.2942' '10.7' '0' '996.3276' '84.0656' '23.2386' '98' '81.0691' '977.012' '1045.7065' '1016.4756' '0' '14.3661' '0' stats for site NGT and level L1 Columns 1 through 5 'sensor' 'variable' 'units' 'mean' 'std' 'DAVIS' 'WS' 'm.s-1' '3.5093' '2.018' 'DAVIS' 'Tair' 'Celsius or K' '11.144' '5.4842' 'DAVIS' 'Kdn' 'W.m-2' '165.1242' '197.9407' 'DAVIS' 'RH' '%' '77.8835' '13.0493' 'DAVIS' 'press' 'hPa' '1013.9783' '11.4137' 'DAVIS' 'rain_rate' ' ' '0.038526' '0.38418' Columns 6 through 8 'min' 'max' 'median' '0.03871' '13.3667' '3.2993' '-3.8275' '29.6649' '10.8445' '0' '994.2813' '84.2502' '23.3725' '97' '81.1268' '974.5214' '1042.317' '1013.7972' '0' '34.0476' '0'
Site Comparisons

Wind rose plots
WXT L0 data: direction in degrees, wind speed in m.s-1